Saturday, August 13, 2011

How we . . . Paint a Table

so i haven't been too good about posting more
"How we . . . " posts
i am sorry
i was telling a friend yesterday that i think about it
but then i am in the middle of doing it,
and taking pictures isn't always the easiest :)
however . . .
i am going to try to be better
i have several ideas up my sleeve

yesterday we decided to paint the kids table
so i thought it would be the perfect "how we" post
here it goes:

1. make sure baby sister is taking a nap
2. make sure that daddy is available to help
3. dress the kids in clothes (or no clothes at all) that are okay to get messy
4. lay plastic underneath the table to prevent paint from dripping on your deck
5. give the boys their own paint brush
6. have daddy mix the paint with a random object found in the backyard
(b/c mommy somehow lost the stirrer that came with the paint:))
7. give each child a specific job
jayden was in charge of the legs
duncan - couldn't really do it but felt important and like he was apart
8. have daddy remove duncan after he gets paint on his hand for the umpteenth time :)
9. go over legs (or whatever part that you had your child paint) to smooth the paint
10. allow the table to dry in the hot texas sun
(and get some random creature on the table)
11. put back in its proper place with the help of your two boys
12. admire your work and marvel at how pleased you are with your paint color :)
13. thank your husband for making you do the project and for teaching your kids how to paint along the way
14. thank your parents for getting campbell the precious green chair for her birthday
15. realize you need to frame the darrah dean gooden artwork for above the table to complete the room

and that's "How We Paint a Table"

1 comment:

Waco Sudans said...

I love that you include your kids in all you do. It makes things harder but you will reap the benefits for years to come. I love the color - and what a nice little table!!!!! Dad