Monday, June 20, 2011

Waco Fun

we were in waco for two weeks so that Jayden could take swim lessons (more on that later)
we had fun being with our families and just hanging out
the kids loved playing together on my parents deck
and there was a lot of wrestling with coach
and swinging
and fighting
my boys rode together on a bike
we went to kiddyland
(separate post on this)
we went to the zoo

but mostly
we played at the pool
we spent a lot of time at the mcdowell's pool
(thank you mcdowell's for enduring us everyday!)
and a lot of time at ridgewood
(thank you ogden's for taking us there most nights)

we also became neighbors with a turkey

thank you mom & dad and greg & alice for such a sweet, relaxing time
i know it is overwhelming when we come - but we appreciate it and love being at home
i realized this time -
it is nice to be with your parents or in-laws because you get cared for as well.
as a mom i am always caring for everyone and it is nice to be a daughter or daughter-in-law for a change :)

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