Friday, March 30, 2012

Sparrows Birthday Party (campbell's first pedicure :))

our sweet friend Sparrow had the cutest, sweetest little birthday party last week.
it was for mommies and daughters to get their nails done :)
i know campbell is only 20 months old -
but i thought this was too cute of an opportunity to pass up!
they gave us the options of colors -
and the little miss chose yellow
i tried to get her to do pink but she wouldn't have it!
maybe she knew she was wearing a yellow dress that day?
she sat very still for the entire thing!
tina (sparrow's mommy), campbell, and i
the other little girls adorable toe nails!
sweet girls! (sparrow is in the blue)
felice was showing me her nails -
the cutest thing!
happy birthday sparrow and what a fun birthday party!
thanks for letting us be apart of it!

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