Monday, June 11, 2012

"Labor" Day

I have been so behind on posting pictures from Barron's birth and everything!
I am going to try to catch up -
because we are about to have a slew of birthdays around our house -
so if i don't catch up now - 
i won't for a LONG time!!!

These pics are from when I was being induced on Thursday morning and right after Barron was born.
It went really fast for me -
they started the pitocin around 9 and i was pushing by 12!
When I was feeling comfortable
my mom and sisters came up with the girl cousins!
Here is Hallie - adorable!
 all three girls!

 amy and mary beth
 adorable molly
 alex and hallie

 here i am with Barron right after he was born
sweet little thing!
He had to be taken straight to the nursery instead of spending time with us
in the room because he had a little bit of trouble breathing
when he first came out
they had to vacuum his head out
(he was positioned on the side of my pelvis and his head was facing the wrong direction - so that's why)
 sweet little thing
 here's my wonderful doctor!
he has delivered all 4 of our kids and i am so thankful for him!
he stays so calm and does a great job!
 the kids came in to see me afterwards,
even though Barron was in the nursery
we gave them their "Big Sister/Big Brother" gifts
 they were all really excited!
 they each got a new pair of flip flops (their favorite thing!)
and the boys got toy story lego watches and campbell got a princess book :)

 here i am with my sweet nurse Julie
she is the same nurse that delivered Duncan!
isn't that so cool :) she is such a good nurse and had always been my favorite :)
it was such a gift from God!
 here she is with duncan - the first ogden baby she delivered :)
 alice and us after delivery!
 lots more posts and pics to come
just getting started :)

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