Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Wedding

 Geoffrey & LeeAnn had the sweetest wedding.
Jordan was one of the three officiants and did an incredible job.
He does such a good job with weddings (i am not biased at all ;))
The reception was decorated beautifully with yellow and grey colors.

 Here is the beautiful bride putting her dress on.
 Funny story about these pictures.
I was really wanting to get a family picture of us so that we could use it for our christmas card.
I had us get together and take one right after the ceremony before we got messy from eating.
I had amy take it and was happy with some of the results.
 Do you notice anything missing in these pictures?
I didn't realize it until 10 minutes later -
our FAMILY picture was missing BARRON!!!!
i felt like the worst mom ever.
i guess this picture won't be on our christmas card :)
 as you can tell by this picture
jayden was throwing an absolute fit.
i think the kids were super tired from the past two weeks of activities and it was catching up with them :)

 first dance
 mother son dance
 a family pic (with everyone)

 duncan LOVES to dance
 love how geoffrey is looking at leeann in this picture
 these two were adorable during the reception
apparently they were pretending they were jordan and christy
and had 3 boys and 1 girl

 sudan women

saying goodbye to the wonderful couple
it was a wonderful wedding in every possible way.
so happy that they are married and that i get precious leeann as my new sister in law.
i couldn't be more thankful for all the wonderful in laws that i have on both sides.
God is good.

and now we try to recover from the crazy september that was our life.

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