Jayden had his first soccer game this Saturday. We have been looking forward to playing soccer for the last couple of years :) Jayden loves to play outside with daddy and was so excited when he turned three because he could then play soccer. So the day finally came when we were able to sign him up and get him in his first league.
All week (month) we have been talking about soccer and playing his first game, I was curious how little J was going to do actually playing on a team. In new situations he gets very quiet and kind of takes everything in for awhile until he is comfortable with the situation. I was unsure if he would do the same when it came to playing on a team.
Well - Jayden was true to him self, and pretty much just stood on the "field" (it was at the Y indoors because the fields were too wet from the massive amounts of rain we had last week) while everyone was running around him. He is usually a really good kicker (of course i am his mom and i am biased!) but he didn't even kick the ball.
you would think that Jayden would have been less nervous with having this guy as his coach, but it didn't seem to help
(yes jordan is the coach! i feel really bad after the first game that i got him into this situation, he had told me that he would be willing to coach if they desperately needed someone - well a few weeks ago they called me and asked (begged) and i told them that my husband was up for the job! little did i know that a little more is involved than just coaching the team, you have to administrate everything and it is not really coaching at this age it is just pushing the kids in the right direction. jordan is a great coach and soccer player but i think dealing with three year olds is a bit of a different situation. apparently i owe jordan an endless supply of cookie cakes for getting him this situation!
standing around with the other players while one kid kicked the ball into the goal was kind of how the game went!
the boys after the game
jayden didn't seem to be sad or upset about the way the game went, he was especially glad when he got to have the cheetos for a post game snack!
the fans (minus amy & ek)
little dunc
(he probably moved more than j during the game:) he is a busy, busy boy - who has started walking (video to come soon!)
getting a pep talk from aunt amy
cute little guy!
maybe next week will go better - but my assumption is it will take until game 6 or 7 for him to start really playing (and some bribing with m&m's)