Monday, September 22, 2008

Reunion & Mountainview Park

This past weekend we went to Waco for our 10 year reunion. It was a great time of connecting with old friends and catching up on what everyone is doing. I was glad as many people came (we had a class of 32 and about half of the people were there). On Saturday we had a tour of the school and everyone brought their kids. It was so fun seeing everyone as parents and what their little kid's look like.
We also hung out with my parents which was fun. Saturday afternoon we went to Mountainview Park at Jayden had so much fun. My dad had his camera - so I am able to post some pictures!
Hope everyone is having a good Monday!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hello! The Ogden family have been bad blogger's lately. My camera has been sent off to be fixed (if you have noticed that my pictures had been fuzzy - that is what i am trying to get fixed), so I have not had many pictures to put up of little "J." He is a busy boy lately - walking and trying to run all over the place and beginning to assert his little will :) I have gone down to 2x/month of work and so a new adventure has begun for our little family.
Jordan is teaching and pastoring this year so his days are very full. He loves teaching and has a great group of 7th graders that he teaches history and english. We are also going to Ft.Worth every Thursday night to go through a class called C.O.R.E. through Christ Fellowship. It is basically a discipleship training (similar to Elevate/ATS for those who know what that is). We have enjoyed it so much and are thankful that we are getting to have this training. It does require a lot of reading, so I am spending Jayden's naps reading our assignments.
We are headed to Waco this weekend for our 10 year reunion. It should be a fun time of reconnecting with old friends. Hope all is going well with all of you.
Once i get the camera back I will be posting a lot more - but until then, I will use Jordan's phone to get some pictures up.
Have a great weekend!